The Foundation has funded significant educational training programs through professional organizations, and the material we fund is made available at no cost to members and affiliates of those organizations.
For minimal cost, the Foundation does provide the following to not-for-profit institutions globally:
- Presentations on the Foundation, its history, and the importance of safe research practices. Includes Beth's story.
- Presentations regarding the life-saving importance of connectivity amongst all the stakeholders in research.
- Through the CARES Program partnership with Emory University, provision of on-site, hands-on basic biosafety training for animal research in high containment facilities.
- Interactive occupational health/ clinical medicine development and training for prevention and response in biological and / or zoonotic exposures.
- Presentations to increase awareness of expanding global research capacity and its impact on the world: risks and benefits (what it means).
- Presentations to management groups toward building organizations that best reflect a culture of safe research.
- Motivational Presentations to laboratory animal research workers on the importance of safe work practices.
- Informational Presentations to community groups regarding the importance of research.
- Skills-Building workshops to develop Leadership and communication for biosafety professionals and other research managers.
- Basic Training on Essential components of safe research.
- Biosafety training for laboratory animal workers in high containment environments.
The Foundation collaborates with a number of professional organizations, subject matter experts, and other entities that provide training for workers in clinical, biological, and laboratory / agricultural animal research. We welcome the opportunity to assess the particular needs of any research facility and provide recommendations based on that assessment.
The Foundation provides services to for-profit institutions in exchange for expenses and a related contribution to the Foundation.
For information on these services, please e-mail or call 423.612.7233.